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Mum has maintained her authenticity.

Mum is caring. She shows her love through the food she makes and feeds us.

Mum would endure hardship for her children if it simplifies their lives.

Mum prays for us all the time.

Mum is always there for us.

Mum never strays.

Mum has a routine which we are familiar with.

Mum’s faith in god is insurmountable.

Mum always makes me breakfast when I stay over even though I never ask her too.

Mum has never asked me for money.

Mum always see the best in people.

Mum will always give people a second chance.

Mum is reliable.

Mum is strong and keeps it together.

Mum always tries to keep the family together.

Mum is pretty.

Mum has fair skin with no spots, blemishes or wrinkles.

Mum has never cut her hair.

Mum’s passion for singing hymns is encouraging.

Mum has a number of good friends.

Mum is a constant in my life. I know where she is most of the time and she is never far from reach.

Mum is trusting of everyone.

Mum is naturally completely hair free!

Happy Mother’s Day Mum. I know I have never told you this but I love you loads.